Ronnie Fox
A daily prayer time was a well established rhythm in 1995. However, for decades my time with God had been dominated by a presentation of “my want list.”
Regularly hearing God speak to me in my prayer time required me to change. A simple statement summed it up: “l had to listen more and talk less.”
In ’95, my family and I were on stateside assignment during time as missionaries to Peru. My prayer journal reflected a radical change. The first part of each entry was the scripture reference for the verses I read that day. It was followed by a few sentences that briefly recorded how I responded to what I heard God say.
1,947 daily entries later I decided to read what I had written. It wasn’t profound. Matter-of-fact, I had not written anything worth sharing. What I discovered was over five years of intentionally listening to God more and having a lot less to say.
It is impossible to paint Ronnie with a single brush. He began his career as a writer after a life altering stroke. Yes, he has typed every word of every book with one finger (each with multiple drafts). He is now a wheelchair driving stroke survivor.
Ronnie is a retired minister and missionary. He and his family lived outside the United States for more than a decade. He is fluent in English and Spanish; plus he has a limited knowledge of a indigenous language in the Peruvian mountains called Quechua.
He and Gwenn have lived in ten different cities, on two continents. They lived over a decade in a city plagued by terrorism. During one twelve month period they counted a dozen car or truck bombs they had personally felt. They also counted more than twenty other explosions they heard (but not actually felt) during the same timeframe.
Ronnie is personally acquainted with many tragedies. The title of his autobiography is Beyond My Strength. Like his life, the autobiography seeks to give God the credit for his ability to persevere even when life was difficult.
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Old Tesament
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Ronnie Fox
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The Life of
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Ronnie Fox
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Novels coming
Early 2025
Ronnie Fox
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105 Highland Crest
Hiram, Georgia 30141